*RMC16005 - 01/14/2011 - The ROPES EXCI Facility is enhanced to support * the use of generic connections. * *Problem Summary: * There was no way to use the ROPES EXCI Facility with generic * connections. The interface was coded to require a specific * connection with the NETNAME set to ROPEXPLR. * *Symptoms: * Attempts to connect to a generic EXCI connection fail with a * return code/reason code of 203-104. * *Temporary Fix: * The following replacement object modules must be obtained from * technical support: * ROPEXPLR * *Documenation Changes: * The ROPES XPLINK utility documentation has been updated to list * an additional OPTIONS value which supports the user specification * of a specific connection NETNAME value or *GENERIC to indicate * that a generic connection is to be used. * * The ROPES EXCI facility documentation has been updated to show * the specific connection NETNAME value or *GENERIC to indicate * that a generic connection is to be used. This value is in the * client program field (XPCCLNTP). * * The ROPEXPLM macro documentation has been updated to explain the * new *GENERIC value for the client program. * *Permanent Fix: * This problem will be corrected by PTF in the next release of * ROPES. * *End Of Document